The concept of industrial district has been ampliamente faced from multiple economic students which
in exposing you of their analyses turns out has emphasized some is the limits that the advantages.
Detaching from such
theoretical systems and examinee the industrial districts in the light of the modern technologies emerge new elements of analysis.
In the first place we take in consideration the competition that is developed between equal enterprises, that is enterprises
that work the same product and carry out the same activity.
Such competition contributes from a part to confer to the system
a detached dynamism, in fact the enterprises are stimulated to search and to adopt the less expensive productive solutions,
engaging generally in one modest but profitable activity of search of new innovative solutions.
From the other competitive
dynamics inner to the district door to shapes of latent or manifest confrontation, which, although has had until today a positive
effect to level of system, also has determined in the entrepreneurs one strongly aversion to all that that it can have the minimal
appearance of collaboration or of explicit cooperation with the other district actors who directly are not been involved in
complementary shape in the just network productive one.
That is revealed harmful for those political, typical of the logistic
activity, than they are based mainly on the aggregation of flows operated you of various enterprises, and on the consequent scope
and obtainable economies of scale.
Not to case, many proposals that in past have been been left over in this direction have had
little followed.
Like already emphasized, the industrial district expresses the own advantages if to its inside net of
interrelations between all is come to create one the actors of the row. Translate in other words: in the districts remarkable
economies could themselves be obtained sharing in organized way the resources and information available.
In an industrial
district the same technologies are used, the same productive systems, the same reciprocations, the same raw materials, the same maestranze
and potentially the same logistics.
Analyzing the costs that are generated to its inside, we see that the single enterprises
potentially face the " same costs of structure ", but in way it characterizes them.
Adding all the costs of structure
of the single companies a cost of area of the industrial pole is obtained.
Therefore the existence of a pluralità enterprises
generates a pluralità of operating costs, creating unavoidablly to the inside of the district of duplicates to you structural.
Considering that in a district of 50 Km of beam exists 400 companies medium participants to the same chain of the value, the
" redundancies " it is managerial that structural generated are enormous.
Such it wastes till now, could not
be avoids to you.
Today instead, with the aid of the new technologies of net and the new logistic modalities, it is possible
to take part drastically on these redundancies reducing them and therefore to avoid "wastes" and recovering economic resources,
you space and structures and to obtain an increase of the competitiveness of the single enterprises.
The ideal solution in
order to obtain such turns out to you is represented from integration of the single enterprises in one district net.
The fact
to exercise the own activity to the inside of a district net without a shadow of doubt favors the attainment of better levels
than efficiency delegating at " authority centers them 23 "
many managerial problems.
Moreover such solution is ideal for being able to prime economies of scale.
That would be possible in virtue of one common centralized strategy to take advantage of one management of the collective activities.
A sharing plan, concurs therefore with said enterprises, to eliminate it wastes and to obtain
new revives economic.
The Unitec proposes the application of such strategy to the management of the warehouses.
To the inside of every industrial warehouse a sure amount of materials is normally present, profits to guarantee the productive
continuity above all in case take place unexpected or peaks of question.
In case of I make unusable but, such supplyes,
must be discharged without that never they have been used, creating therefore shapes of economic waste (tasks also to the cases
connected to the substitution of the systems and/or obsolescence of the members).
And then as to avoid such it wastes of inner
resources to the district? Many problems could be resolved, even with the passage of the supplies of the single enterprises to
an only one outsourcer of supplyings which promotore of the cited common strategy would be made.
Moreover the outsourcer an
immediate improvement of the supplies would raise the enterprises from the bureaucratic relationships with the suppliers obtaining,
for times and quality, but also of cost because all it is made of " passive" supplying they would come
Riepilogando the redundancies that unavoidablly are introduced to the inside of a district are born from the
fact that even if the enterprises pursue the same aim (discouragement of the costs) make it acting individually.
It turns
out to you very various would be being been pursuing objects to you inquadrabili in an optical of optimal paretiano, that is
heading to an advantage collective (of district) and not egoistic.
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