The great innovation introduced from the concept of "reingegnerizzazione of the processes"
consists in putting the change of the processes to the center of the analysis and the planning of the new business systems.
Between the essential characteristics of the BPR they number therefore the radical redesign, the objective of the
discontinuity of the performances, I use it of the technologies of the information, integrated with the organizational
The main characteristic of the reingegnerizzazione consists in watching to the processes like if it were
dealt to rethink them former novo, without being conditions to you from as they are carried out currently, but imagining
solutions radical alternatives also, that is much far from the enforced situation.
A typical example of radical redesign
is that one to put the activities in parallel rather than in sequence: often the sequence of the activities is not dictated
from "a natural" order, but it is tax artificially, according to models of organization of the job traditional.
reingegnerizzazione is always asked if it is not possible to modify the sequence of the activities, until eliminating it,
putting the activities in parallel. In this way total "of attraversamento" of the process can be caught up strong improvements
of the time, because the dead times of wait are eliminated.
An other typical example of BPR can consist in the resetting
of fragmented activity: often leggermente various activities are assigned to persons or various offices, in the idea that
the pushed specialization of the better duties the efficiency of the single activity; in effects, the total efficiency of
the process gets worse, for effect of the times of coordination.
The reingegnerizzazione of the processes stretches to
recompose fragmented activity, introducing new duties, to which often it comes given the name of houses manager, that is
"manager of the case", because in the new duty all are collections the activities that serve to giving one exhausting answer, timely and personalized to the single "case", that is to the single demand for the customer.
The introduction of polifunzionali shops can be considered like an application in the public sector.
The polifunzionale
sportellista is put in a position to giving complete answers to the customer, avoiding to this last one of having
"to pellegrinare" between various offices.
An other opportunity can be the categoryzation differentiation of the
flows in the processes: often it happens that they come deals to you (with the same rules in the same way, the same times,
the same quality) demanded or various cases, single because it channels to you in the same process.
This effect of
"appiattimento" comes exceeded in the reingegnerizzazione that does not stretch - as traditionally it is stretched to make -
to separate the processes in presence of various demands, but to differentiate the demands and to deal them like various versions
in the within of the same process.
The application of this principle of reingegnerizzazione demands in kind the identification
to the income of the type of demand, and the "marking" of the case - that is, the information on the single case follow the
long case continuously all the process.
In some units of ready aid it has been introduced "triage", that is the location
to the income of the gravity of the patient, so as to to be able to differentiate the treatment in function of the effective
Often to the patients they come assigns to you cartellini of various color, than contraddistinguono the patient
in all it makes of the process of ready aid (es. wait, medical visit, analysis of laboratory, etc).
A more drastic solution
is the activity elimination that does not give value: the reingegnerizzazione places always the problem of because it comes
carried out an activity.
As an example if an activity comes carried out in order to correct variances rebelled along the
process (es. quality controls), the reingegnerizzazione it stretches to eliminate this type of activity and to concentrate the controls here where the variances (for es. are formed to
the income).
In kind, the total participation on the process is realized thanks to technologies that are in a position to
rendering shared information that traditionally were to exclusive appanage of one single organizational unit.
This characteristic of organizational trasversalità is a ineliminabile aspect of the BPR, also in ambient public.
As an example, in the fields strongly innovation, like the launch of new products on the market, here where always
marketing-development-prototype had been believed to organize the activities in sequence (), has been put in parallel and
contemporary, reducing the total times of the process of innovation - also of percentages of 50-70%.
The exchanges informed you from an activity to the other are hour rendered possible through new technologies of sharing
of the information (database, nets, etc.) and with technical new of simultaneous planning (concurrent engineering).
Typical technologies used for the reingegnerizzazione of the processes are:
A distance of reform of the Italian public administration has been delineated in the last years,
whose performance is regulated from several laws promulgate from 1990 today.
This distance of reform is based substantially
on the necessity to answer to objects you of improvement of the P.A. in terms of increase of the effectiveness of the public
action (effectiveness), of control of the costs of operation of the administrations and reduction of the necessary times to
the development of the several activities (efficiency), of increase of the visibility and the possibility of control of the
customer on the administrative action (transparency).
These object to you are conjugated with two principles of bottom:
the decentralization and the simplification.
With the decentralization a transfer of responsibility is had and tasks operated
to you from the administration center them towards the E regions the local agencies: the local administrations become, with
the obvious exclusion of some specific fields, the main place of the distribution of the services and of the relationship of
the public administration with the outside while the administration centers them it concentrates on the own detailed list mission
of address and coordination.
With the simplification they are stretched to reduce implementations, often improper, demands to
citizens and enterprises and see again the procedimentali rules eliminating useless passages, verifications and controls often
only form them.
In the public sector it is not possible to integrally accept the approach of "complete reinvenzione" of
services, activity and structures, that is the total tie absence that possible (favorable in many cases) in the private
The mission and the activities of a public organization are not "optional".
They are subject to one normative
more punctual fort and and are subordinates to the management and the supervision of the political direction and the
supervisory bodies.
The question begins them for who is about to a change of just the way to operate is not, like in the private
sector, " like can reinventare my role, my services, my processes for being able to obtain better turns out to you on the
market? "but it becomes" which is my mandate, my mission, the strategic direction that I must follow and like I can
redesign and improve my processes in order to answer to these expectations? ".
The reingegnerizzazione of the
processes in within of Public Administration passes therefore through, not only the currently present analysis of the
single situations and truths on the territory, but also through a various approach from what it could be applied to level
of enterprise.
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