CHAPTER 3: The Unitec case
3.3.5 Support yards to the foreign country
Unitec supplies a particular service, consisting in supporting supplyings for the yards to the foreign country, preoccupandosi to acquire all the necessary materials of consumption.
In this way the problem of the liquidity of which the yard it needs comes resolved, since Unitec is taken care to carry out all the purchases and to on behalf anticipate therefore the payments of the yard. It searches all the members it wishes to you, choosing the source of mainly convenient supplying, is for the times of delivery that for the prices.
In particular, it selects, if possible, the suppliers equips you of warehouse in the area of the yard, so as to to allow one quick answer in the availability of the assets.
Unitec organizes also the deliveries, of way that the materials of which the yard it has need are ready in the moment adapted, and arrives with one single shipment.
The elimination of the management accounting of yard is obtained therefore also, in how much Unitec single invoice to the end of every month condenses all the operations in one, after to have supplied to the various payments with expirations and different terms.
The invoice salary comes sended to the headquarters directly them administrative of the customer, second the terms of payment agrees to you, concurring therefore an easy recovery of the Vat.
Unitec elaborates a periodic document then containing gives to you consuntivi of the costs of the material acquired from the customer for system and for yard, with graphical rappresentazione and to tabellare of they give to you. The service extends also to the activity of res-use of the materials remaining in the moment of the closing of the yard, allowing the recovery of such costs.
Beneficial consequence of such service is the control of the costs supported from the yard from part of an external agency, which it documents and it organizes all relative expenses to the carried out jobs and from there it sendes certification to the agency acquires.
3.3.6 Ulterior services
Unitec offers one series of ulterior services, some of which closely legacies to the activity of base of the company, others mainly innovated to you and in phase of implementazione.
Such services are:
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